React Native is a popular open-source framework developed by Facebook, used for building mobile applications using

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment that allows developers to build server-side and networking applications using JavaScript. Created by Ryan Dahl in 2009, Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, the same engine that powers Google Chrome. This enables Node.js to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser, making it a versatile tool for building fast, scalable, and high-performance applications.

Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it lightweight and efficient. This architecture is particularly well-suited for applications that require real-time interactions, such as chat applications, live streaming, and collaborative tools. With a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks available through npm (Node Package Manager), Node.js empowers developers to create complex applications with ease.


  1. High Demand: Node.js developers are in high demand due to the growing popularity of JavaScript and server-side development.
  2. Versatility: Gain the ability to work on both front-end and back-end development, making you a more versatile developer.
  3. Performance: Learn to build high-performance applications that can handle a large number of simultaneous connections.
  4. Real-Time Applications: Acquire skills to develop real-time applications such as chat apps, gaming apps, and live-streaming services.
  5. Extensive Community Support: Benefit from a large and active community that provides extensive resources, tutorials, and support.
  6. Career Opportunities: Open doors to various career paths including back-end developer, full-stack developer, and software engineer.
  7. Project-Based Learning: Develop practical projects that can be added to your portfolio, showcasing your skills to potential employers.
  8. Continuous Growth: Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the ever-evolving field of web development.


  1. High Employability: Node.js developers are highly sought after in the job market, increasing your chances of landing a well-paying job.
  2. Diverse Job Roles: Opportunities to work as back-end developers, full-stack developers, and software engineers.
  3. Freelance Opportunities: Ability to work independently on various projects for clients around the world.
  4. Start-up Opportunities: Skills to create and launch your own web applications or tech startup.
  5. Continuous Learning: Access to a wide range of resources and community support for ongoing learning and development.
  6. Global Opportunities: Chance to work with international companies and teams, expanding your professional network and exposure.
  7. Innovation and Creativity: Work on innovative projects and solutions that can have a significant impact in various industries.


Module 1:

Introduction and Core Concepts: Overview of Node.js, installation and setup, understanding the event-driven architecture, Node.js REPL, understanding modules and require, core modules (fs, path, http).

Module 2:

Intermediate Concepts: Asynchronous programming, working with callbacks, promises, and async/await, file system operations, building HTTP server, routing and middleware, introduction to Express.js, creating RESTful APIs with Express.

Module 3:

Database integration, working with MongoDB, Mongoose ORM, authentication and authorization, using JWT for secure authentication, error handling and debugging, testing Node.js applications, deployment, deploying Node.js applications to cloud services (Heroku, AWS, etc.), best practices for performance optimization.

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